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早在2010年,史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)就曾明确表示:“隐私意味着人们知道自己在注册什么,(企业应该)用直白的语言,而且反复提示(用户)。”It’s worth remembering the foresight and courage it took to make that statement。 When we designed this device we knew it could put more personal data in your pocket than most of us keep in our homes。 And there was enormous pressure on Steve and Apple to bend our values and to freely share this information。 But we refused to compromise。 In fact, we’ve only deepened our commitment in the decade since。


中文简称: 中国华融英文简称: China Huarong法定代表人: 赖小民注册资本: 39,070,208,462 元住所: 中国北京市西城区金融大街 8 号控股股东及实际控制人本公司控股股东、实际控制人为财政部,截至本招股书签署日,财政部直接持有本公司24,752,711,088股股份,占本次发行前总股本的63.36%。财政部是国务院的组成部门,主管国家财政收支、税收政策等事宜的宏观调控,地址为北京市西城区三里河南三巷3号。

王思聪欲甩卖熊猫直播 作价30亿元多轮谈判未果■本报记者谢若琳日前,有报道称,游戏直播平台熊猫直播拟作价30亿元,寻求买手。一位知情人士告诉《证券日报》记者,熊猫曾与虎牙、斗鱼、网易接洽,而字节跳动旗下的西瓜视频也曾有意,此前放出“虎牙收购”的风声,希望促成交易,但是在价格方面始终没有谈拢,“打的是消耗战、心理战”。

In the mid-19th Century, the great American writer Henry David Thoreau found himself so fed up with the pace and change of Industrial society that he moved to a cabin in the woods by Walden Pond。 Call it the first digital cleanse。 Yet even there, where he hoped to find a bit of peace, he could hear a distant clatter and whistle of a steam engine passing by。 “We do not ride on the railroad,” he said。 “It rides upon us”。Those of us who are fortunate enough to work in technology have an enormous responsibility。 It is not to please every grumpy Thoreau out there。 That’s an unreasonable standard, and we’ll never meet it。

